3 to 5 months internship: Design of a thermal regulation for microfluidic chips
Design of a thermal regulation for microfluidic chips
Design and fabrication of a thermal regulation stage for microfluidics experiments. The internship will happen in 3 steps: (i) design of a resistor pattern to warm up a microscope glass slide. The design can be checked by numerical simulations. This stage should also include a few temperature sensors (thermocouples or thermistors) to provide a feedback to the temperature controller. (ii) Design and programming of the temperature control feedback loop. (iii) Implementation of a user friendly interface to set the temperature and display the set value and the actual value.
Education required:
Student in M1 or M2 enrolled in a physics or engineering degree. The student can also be a 2nd or 3rd year engineering school (Grandes Ecoles) student.
The candidate should be familiar with electronics design and microcontroler/Arduino programing. A knowledge of control engineering, microfabrication and finite element modeling is a plus but is not mandatory.
UMR1147 Translational research team
Centre universitaire des Saints Pères
45 rue des Saints-Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06
Antoine Riaud - antoine.riaud(at)gmail.com
Gratification of 554.40€/month
Flexible starting date